Past Events

  • CCQM – IAWG Annual Meeting 2018, 04/2018, Paris, France
  • EURAMET TC-Metrology in Chemistry (TC-MC) Annual Meeting 2018, 02/2018, Vienna, Austria
  • IMA 2017 Conference 17.-21.09.2017 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • Training on Isotope dilution mass spectrometry and production of
    certified reference materials,
    9.5-13.5.2016, Berlin, Germany
  • 11.-15.10.2015- BERM 14 conference, USA


This is the website of the Joint Research Project EnvCRM (Matrix Reference Materials for Enviromental Research ). This three year project was launched on the 1st of June 2015. EnvCRM runs under the EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research) and it receives European funding. Together with TUBITAK, the project coordinator, another 8 partners are working side by side in order to establish a quality system in the testing of environmental samples by producing and providing appropriate quality control materials – matrix CRMs.

The goal of this project is to contribute to a more reliable and robust water monitoring network incorporating a harmonised approach able to fulfil EU regulation, and therefore achieve sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources.